Thursday, July 3, 2014

New Releases from Share The Love!

I'm so sorry for how quiet Share The Love has been, but I got such a late start this year because of the cold and snow since I pour slip outside.  However, I just finished the first couple of test pieces for this year's release!  I'm planning on bringing several sets to the Clarion during Breyerfest, and will also be taking orders.  These are all limited editions of 50, and numbered.

One is a set of three Muscovy ducks, with three different sculpts, each one in a different color.  I'm SO excited about these, ever since I got a glimpse of the molds at Maureen's estate.  I could not figure out what the heck they were, maybe baby roadrunners?  But then I remembered a sketch of hers that reminded me of them.  It took me quite a while to go through all of the drawings, but I found the sketch and it was obvious they were Muscovy ducks.  

I have never seen any of these that Maureen made, and the molds looked pretty clean so she may not have made any.  They are $150 for a set of three.

I also am making another of my favorites, a Banty rooster.  I only saw one of them she made in her house and estate, so I based my decorating on it.  The detail is awesome.  They are done with a satin glaze, which was a good compromise between her rough matte finishes and the glossy finishes she did not like.  It is $150 also.

I will be in room 107 starting Tuesday.  I have a few Seagull bells and busts left, sets of Share The Love note cards and postcards, and I will also have the test OF for the Naked Pony later in the week.  We changed the color slightly from last year. I don't have a price set yet.  Oh, and I will have a few baby Kalanchoe (Maureen's mystery plant) to give away!

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